Friday, December 9, 2011

How to Take over the World: Google Native Client

"Christian Stefansen, Google's product manager on NaCl, explained which kinds of applications work well with NaCl. These include, he said, hardware accelerated games, photo editing, 3D modeling, video training software, and computer-aided design. "Anything that you would classify as heavy numbers crunching is a good fit," he said."

Besides the obvious win for gaming, I believe this will actually have huge implications for OS and software in general... imagine using "Google Photoshop" inside your chrome browser with performance as good as a desktop app, without ever having to install anything.  Your files/assets synched everywhere no matter if you work on your tablet/laptop/phone/desktop... with real time collaboration in everything.

Is Google basically setting themselves up to not only subversively overtake the OS market (by infiltrating and hijacking any OS with chrome), but also to take over the ENTIRE production/development software industry?  You can already can see it with Google Apps vs. MS Office... seems like a logical next step.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I for one welcome our new Google overlords.