Thursday, April 19, 2012

To My Boys

I know none of you can really read this right now (well maybe Brody can), but I wanted to tell you a few things, in case of tidal wave.  I believe placing this information in the hands of google is the safest way to make sure this message survives until the Earth crumbles.

Nothing makes me happier than looking into each of your eyes.  I know now that I never experienced true love until I met each of you.

In each of you I see a unique person so amazing it stuns me.

Brody, you are a kinetic joy.  Like me, I think you will never be comfortable if you are not in motion.  I'm sorry that I constantly ask you to sit back down when we eat dinner, it's just that I don't want you to choke.  Don't ever let anyone stop you, including yourself. Your potential is boundless, explore it.

Clyde, your mind is a laser.  I am constantly in awe of your ability to focus, problem solve, and organize.  I'm sorry that I have to limit your time with the iPad, it's just that I want you to find balance.  Never stop asking questions, and you will never be bored.  And never stop telling those knock-knocks, because life's a laugh and death's a joke. It's true.

Sully, you are as determined as a bulldozer.  You may actually be more persistent than me, which you will find is both a gift and a curse.  I'm sorry that I repeatedly carry you back into your bed, it's just that I want you to get some sleep, you need it at this age.  Keep laughing insanely not only when you take things apart, but also when you put them back together in new ways.  You will succeed in whatever you decide to succeed at, because I know you will never give up.

All three of you are so smart, so talented, and so ... tall.  I am so proud I can call myself your dad.

I've taken a few trips around the sun, and I've learned life can be anything you want it to be.  You will have rough times, you will have smooth sailing; you will be sad, you will be happy; you will face tragedy and you will celebrate. Through all of this, remain true to yourself, and you will triumph.

Here are some things I have gathered that I hope will help you get through easier, like during those cold winters when the corn is all gone and nobody feels like talking:

  • Sunshine makes you happy; Rain makes you sad.  Use both of these as needed.
  • A good chef keeps their workspace clean; mop up your messes as you go.
  • When you are walking, keep your chin up and an eye in the sky.  Most people miss a lot because they forget to look up and around.
  • You don't stop running because you get old; you get old because you stop running.
  • Reversing any statement makes it sound wiser; but wisdom cannot be reversed.  Holy shit, I just made that up, pretty good right?
  • Fear is a mind killer.  Fear is the little death that obliterates. You must not fear. Fear will pass through you and around you, and when it is gone, only you will remain.
  • Hug like you mean it, but only if you mean it.
  • One drink, one water.  (This will make more sense when you are older)
  • If you decide to travel the world some day, for the love of Hank go somewhere tropical and not to a place with 10 months of rain per year.
  • If someone hits your car and says not to call insurance because they have a friend that will fix it, call insurance.
  • Don't do heroin.  Don't take any opiates if you can avoid it.
  • Do some hallucinogens in high school so you can understand how easy it is for your brain to believe in things that don't exist.
  • When you are eating a meal, don't multi-task.  Focus on smelling and tasting your food.  Apply this to all quality life experiences.
  • A Lannister always pays his debts. 
  • Learning Chinese would be a really good idea.
  • If you have an opportunity to visit outer space, take it.
  • Don't look for happiness from other people or things; Happiness comes from experiences and starts within yourself.
  • Massages are real; Chiropractic is not.
  • Diets are ridiculous. Eat whatever the hell you want, just eat lots of different stuff and go run and swim and bike and stuff.  
  • Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
  • Play to win, but always respect your opponent.
  • Even though mom will want to sell them at a garage sale, keep your best toys at all costs.
  • Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy fast cars. Driving fast can definitely make you happy.
  • Be safe if you drive fast.
  • People that can dance are great in the sack.  (This will make more sense when you are older)
  • While we're on the subject, learn to play the guitar.  It's so clear to me now...
  • ALWAYS ASK QUESTIONS. ALWAYS. Anyone that asks you to accept something on faith is selling something that you don't want to buy (whether they know it or not).
  • Nothing lasts longer in human relationships than memories, for better or worse.  Refresh them often.
  • Scuba diving is TOTALLY RAD.
  • Take risks. Be bold. Make mistakes. Get hurt. Fail often.
  • Call your mother.  Tell her you love her.
  • The one good piece of advice I got from my own dad: When you take pictures, take them with people in them.  You won't care about beautiful but empty landscape & architecture photos years later.
  • Chase your passions to the end of time.
Well, that's just a few things off the top of my head.  I sincerely hope it helps.  If I think of any more, we can discuss out on the trampoline or something.

You each walk an infinite path; all of life's challenges are feathers before you.  

Remember each other, never leave your brothers behind.  Good luck on your journeys.

And know this: No matter what, I will always love you. Absolutely and without condition, I love you.

I love you.
I love you.
I love you.

Love, Dad