Friday, January 14, 2011

Learninating bout Distributating

Today I spent all day trying to get my head around distributed version control.  I've been so entrenched in traditional perforce/svn approaches for a decade I never thought to look around for other solutions.  Thanks to Jake for pointing me at Mercurial/TortoiseHg (via Bitbucket).  For the interested, see

I still don't know if it will ultimately be a good jump for dev'ing games on but it got me out of my knowledge comfort zone today and I learned a thing or two.  I can see the potential of solving some serious headaches that are inevitable if you are in the business of software as a service, for example the classic how do we cleanly branch live production builds for bug fixing while at the same time not stomping new development builds and vice versa.   Hey LEGO Universe engineering team, I'm looking your way. :)

Anyway, I love tinkering with new ways of doing things and so I guess it was a good day.


  1. You can also try GIT and Accurev, although I'm not a huge fan of the whole stream thing. GIT is pretty cool though, although it reminds me of Peter for some reason...

  2. Thanks H I will check those out. I don't see the connection between Peter and GIT, but have you seen the new build of GEEZER?
